World Wide Money Move @OpCashBack

This morning we were happy when we were  tweeted by people in Japan, Spain and Italy looking for Credit Unions in their area. This is a global Operation. We have gotten a lot of slack on twitter as well for people saying to wait until Nov. 5th. We state again, we do support Nov 5th as well as another movement scheduled . #OpCashBack is about taking control of your money now. Taking it out of shareholders hands and into yours. We here at Anonymous feel the time is now to move your money.

There are CU and Co-Ops all over the world for everyone, they offer the same as banks but lack the shareholders. Take control of your money, support the credit Unions, support the 99% support your brothers and sisters protesting for more then a month now, support the world.

If you have felt you could do nothing to help this movement, here is a chance to do your part now.

#OpCashBack Follow the official twitter @OpCashBack

We are the 99% We will be heard. Expect Us.

10 responses

  1. If you have any stock in a pension plan, sell it & have the money transferred by the plan to an IRA you set up at your Credit Union. Buy CD’s in the IRA (you can ladder the maturity dates to try to get the best rate, if/when interest rates go up, flip the cd’s )
    If you own stocks out of a pension plan, sell & buy CD’s in credit union.
    Remove all support from corporations !! (possible exception: well researched socially conscious ones)

    1. great information, ty so much

  2. This not including banks?

    1. credit unions? yes they are banks but they are not owned by shareholders, corporate banks are, like bank of america, chase, citi etc.

    2. There are still some independent banks in the US that offer alternative options for depositors. Some good information on who they are and credit rankings for banks & credit unions is at Move your Money Project along with helpful tools to understand why we need to do it! :~)

  3. In Spain all credit unions have merged into bigger banks or have been bought by them. There is no alternative, unless you trust in “ethic banks” such as tryodos. I wish #opcashback were succesful in Spain, but I think it is very difficult. It is not the first time this idea has been tried, but people never did anything 😦

    1. need to try to find you something

    2. I would try to call that number, im not sure if its a working site still, but only thing I could find, will still search more

  4. Thanks mate! Do you guys have any good reference for

  5. Fantastic to see people awaken to the notion that the money Wall Street Banksters gamble with comes out of our pockets and the best way to rid ourselves of this Tapeworm Economy is to starve the parasites but cutting off their funding!

    Every dollar is a vote for change or more of the same and using our dollars is a language that the 1% speaks fluently, they’ll hear us! :~)

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